Your Marketing Tools

Below you will find necessary tools to become successful while with MCA.

Google will be your best friend when it comes to finding the perfect marketing strategy, MCA gives us 3 free websites, video page, and capture page. That in itself is worth the $39.95 one time fee! Your sales dashboard/back-office:

TVC marketing page Your free websites, additional training, flyers, business cards, etc.

MCA Marketing page  Your TVC back-office

TVC Matrix backoffice page

I highly recommend using Pixabay if you plan on creating your own ads. The images from Pixabay are stock and not copyright protected. https://pixabay.comPixabay

Also, don’t post your entire affiliate link.. its long and attrocious, not only that but it gives the business away from the get-go. Use a link shortener, theres a free one to use in your

There is also bitly link shortener:  is also free to use.

Bitly Link page.jpeg


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